Friday, August 30, 2013

Using Multiple Intelligence Surveys to Really Get to Know Your Students

As the new year unfolds and thousands of students enter the classrooms, teachers everywhere wonder how they will once again motivate every student to fully benefit from the lessons teachers have prepared for them.  With the common core, engagement will be crucial in building literacy and the academic success which accompanies such student involvement.  
One of the most successful approaches I have had with my students is helping students discover their many talents through taking a simple multiple intelligence assessment.  Not only does this knowledge assist teachers in developing more engaging lessons based on student interests and talents, but also builds student self-esteem as s/he discovers that s/he does have incredible talents.

Take a few minutes to view Gardner as he explains the many benefits for educators in knowing this information on their students.  Further, with this knowledge of personal gifts and strengths, students can tap these skills to interact with each other, complete class projects using these skills, etc.
Teachers may wish to see where their strengths lie as well.  The link which follows will allow teachers to see what their intelligences are.  Find your own learning style with this quick test.  It only takes a couple of minutes to complete and may shed some insights on personal teaching styles.  If a teacher finds that most lessons are based on having students listen, the teacher favors auditory deliveries.  However, not many students are auditory so such information should give teachers reason to pause and possibly begin to include other learning style deliveries so that all students can benefit from the instruction.

How do students discover their many talents?  Use the multiple intelligences survey for students.  I use it every year and enjoy seeing  my students see that they do have amazing talents which I will keep in mind in lesson planning:)

Have a great school year and enjoy Labor Day!

TWITTER @ell_teacherpros (1640 followers)
Pinterest – Denise Stewart (dmcyberteacher)

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