In this day and age of shrinking school budgets, teachers need to do even more with less. Supplemental textbook requests or basic school supplies are not often honored due to severe budget restraints. So what do teachers do? They pay for the instructional items they need out of their own pockets. This is no easy feat since over the last few years teachers have not only suffered from budget cuts and no pay increases, but also furlough days. Add to this the pressure to prepare students to do well on high-stakes testing.
Well, this post will look at three sites that might reduce the need to buy some lesson activity books.
FREE TOOLS FOR TEACHERS is aimed at younger students. Teachers can generate bingo sheets, domino games (with or without pictures), picture dictionaries, and much more. Younger students will definitely enjoy any activity presented here. Imagine having your students create a board game on a unit you just taught. They think that they are having fun, but you know that they are demonstrating their knowledge of the topic. It is a win-win situation.
For older students (grades 6-12), visit the following two sites. DISCOVERY offers crossword puzzles, word searches, math squares, and more. Once you design the activity, you then click and print. The crossword generator is a very effective way to reinforce content vocabulary. VOCABULARY TEST PREP offers LOTS of practice for students to prepare for high-stakes tests. Students can also generate word lists on their own to build their vocabulary base. Students can even type in the name of the test that they are preparing for (ex. SAT, ACT, PSAT, etc.) and the site will offer already prepared lists to work with.
I hope to find more supports over the month.
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