Friday, February 12, 2010

Winter Break "Extra Credit" Assignments:)

In many schools in San Jose, CA, we have the next week off. To motivate my kids to keep their skills up, I have offered them extra credit if they go to News For You Online (I have a subscription for the class) and write a report on the article with audio (they tend to understand written material a bit better if they hear it). I have also given the stronger readers UPFRONT from Scholastic. They are to OUTLINE one article and then write a summary from that outline. We have benchmarks coming up and I can't afford to lose a week. For those going on vacation, they have to keep a daily journal. All of these writing samples will make great material for editing practice when they come back:)


1 comment:

  1. Providing winter assignments via Google Docs will make it easier for students to complete assignments when they go on extended vacations. I have started building a bank of assignments to pull from when students go back to their native countries. The beauty of this is that our school won't lose any more books! I plan on creating hotlists with worksheets as well as webquests. These items can be created on and it is free!

