Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Have Failing Students? Read On:)

The end of the school year is fast approaching.  With the end of the semester, teachers are often times faced with a few students who did not pass the course regardless of  support teachers had provided. Though there is probably little chance, if any, of such students earning passing grades now, there is always a  chance to reverse the downward spiral with the start of the second semester.  Students need guidance and hope.

Though this article ("Helping Students Succeed:  A Twelve Step Program" by Marty Dawley) is from 1999, its content rings just as true now as it did when it was first published.  There is no magic fix for the problem.  The latest greatest tech gadget won't help here nor will that one shot engaging professional development workshop without follow-up and intensive support.  Instead, the solution may rest with the teacher's ability to connect with students on a personal level and hold them accountable. 

The 12 steps should sound quite familiar to educators to some degree, but for the first time, there is an actual "checklist" for teachers to refer to as needed.  I intend to start the new year with this approach.  I need to change behaviors. 


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