Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Take Students to All Corners of the Earth Via Video Field Trips:)

Though the use of videos scaffolds any assignment/lesson, their use is instrumental in delivering comprehensible content information to English language learners in mainstream classes.  The visuals provide access to new vocabulary as well as build student knowledge of the academic language needed to be able to summarize orally, write a reflective piece on what they learned, share insights with peers in the class, etc. Such video supports need not be long--3-6 minutes should be all that is needed.  Further, if students have access to computers and internet at home (or smart phones), they can review the videos as many times as needed.  In many of the videos, student often can also access closed captioning. Since even advanced ELLs might not catch every word, they will welcome this tool to fully follow the stories.

The internet offers many resources here.  This post only includes 2 popular ones.  The first one, CBS NEWS ,  takes students around the world by following prominent news stories.  Each story has the closed captioning option.  News features here cover material for science, current events, sports, geography, mathematics, politics, government, etc.

This second site is one where students and teachers produce videos and post them here.  Though no closed captioning is available, the films are very visual and the language not too difficult to follow.  The one on visiting New York City is quite impressive for students so young:)  MEET ME AT THE CORNER

Include lots of visual stimuli in class lessons and see student involvement grow:)



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