Sunday, January 13, 2013

2 Incredible FREE Instructional Tools For Teachers

To further improve student academic performance and involve parents in the process, here are two tools to include in class routines.  Both support teacher efforts in holding students accountable and keeping parents in the loop with just a few clicks of the mouse (or taps on the screen).

Remind101 offers teachers a safe text messaging tool to remind students of assignments due, share information with parents, have both parents and students contact teachers with the teacher never using his/her own personal cell phone.  Teachers can communicate with ease at any time of the day or night without ever worrying about students harassing them.  This tool is also FREE. REMIND 101

SLIDE SHARE TUTORIAL ON REMIND101 Here is a power point on how to use this app.  It is very straightforward and therefore easy to follow.  VIDEO TUTORIAL ON REMIND101  For those who prefer video to power points, here is a video tutorial on the app.

The best description of EDMODO is that it is like Facebook only safe for teachers and students.  Teachers have total control over who enters the class site.  Through this friendly and highly familiar format, teachers can use the site to have students respond to polling questions, create discussion boards, share projects with fellow students, parents, or EDMODO classrooms from around the world.  There is much here for a teacher to love.  Here is the link to the site:   EDMODO   Here is the video tutorial for teachers on using the site:  EDMODO VIDEO TUTORIAL



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