This site offers a cornucopia of language, culture, and history options for students at all levels of English language development. Students may do the work independently on home computers, personal smart phones, or class laptops.
Here are some of the options for English language learners:
World headlines--news sources from the UK and Ireland, US and the Americas, Europe, Africa, Middle East, South and Southeast Asia, and Asia Pacific. Subjects covered are world news events, business, sports, entertainment, and education news. Further, the news stories covered here can tie in nicely to classes covering current events, geography, science, economics, culture, etc. Since everything is free and accessible from any source with internet, students should have no problem completing assignments based on world events etc. addressed on the site.
For those who wish to hone their language skills, they need only click on self-study quizzes from TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages). The quizzes cover a wide range of topics including grammar, idioms, scrambled words, vocabulary, holidays/trivia, and links to additional quizzed compiled by teachers from around the world. All levels of English proficiency are addressed here so there is literally something for everyone.
For those students who wish to have more practice with American English, they need only check out "Quizzes and Puzzles" by Charles and Larry Kelly (US English). There students will find anagrams, word find, American slang, American proverbs, the SUPER Quiz machine, and much more.
For students to truly build self-confidence in learning English, they need to be able to use it in many ways beyond the simple textbook. Also, if teachers can infuse some fun throughout, all the better:)
Schoolio Composition Books, Assorted Marble (Red, Blue, Purple, and (Google Affiliate Ad)
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