Friday, November 16, 2012

Free Resources for Authentic Assessments

Authentic assessments are those most resembling the types of projects students would face in the real world.  Such assessments not only bring life to course materials, but, more importantly, tap student interest and that leads to high student engagement.  With such high levels of student interest, assessments are welcomed opportunities for students to pursue their interests while meeting the rigorous demands of the course.  It is also fun for all-teacher and students alike!

Here is an example of a school taking an authentic assessment approach to their content classes--SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE With such a revolutionary approach to student learning, grades improve of course, but even more important here is that such schools are preparing graduates for university and eventually to become productive members of the global international work force where teams work together to problem solve.   One other fact, S.O.F. is a public school! 

AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENTS (free resources) The PDF instructional tools are quite impressive.  The teacher's lesson instructional planning template is well written.  As the teacher conducts the activity, s/he makes notes on the progress of students in accomplishing their goals.  With such a record, the teacher has all the necessary information to adjust instruction/support as needed so that every student may accomplish her/his task with a feeling of achievement. There are instructional tools for all grades and subjects (core content classes).  Check them out.  Why re-invent the wheel if quality teaching tools are available and free?

RIGOROUS FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS (what teachers can do in 5 minutes, 5 days, 5 months, 5 years)--so how does a teacher start out along this new road to student learning?  This site breaks it down into small comprehensible chunks.  Take a look at the 5 minute plan.  Here random calling students is one of the items offered.  Here, everyone is paying attention since no one knows who the teacher will select.  Another suggestion is to have students turn to each other to discuss key discussion topics.  This is a vehicle for students to take responsibility for what they will be learning.

The 5 day, 5 month, and 5 year layouts are more of the same, but more detailed and intricate than the 5 day one.  Advice to teachers here?  Start small and slowly increase the demands at a pace that is manageable.



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Crayola Original Markers - Broad Line, Classic Colors, 10 ct. (Google Affiliate Ad)

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