For English language learners to do well in any content class, teachers must provide them with scaffolding devices to demystify the process of succeeding in content classes. Such devices come from the teachers and teachers must model how they are to be used if ELLs are to fully benefit from them.
Here are some ideas on boosting the academic and language needs of ELLs:
NEEDS OF ELLS -- provides a quick overview of proven successful teaching strategies for ELLs in both mainstream content classes and ELD ones. In fact, many of the suggested approaches could be used with some English only students. All learning styles are addressed as well. Consider this a short checklist on what should be happening in an ELD or content classroom.
READ WRITE THINK WEBBING TOOL --- offers a free webbing tool thanks to the National Council of Teachers of English. Students can be trained to use it in planning out their essays or the teacher can create a blank one to model the process to the entire class before they start out on writing their own essays.
GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS FOR EVERY OCCASION --- provides teachers with a wide variety of creative graphic organizers for every discipline. Download the graphic organizer and type in the text. Teachers may insert their own ideas first to model how to use it and then pass out paper copies to students to use for assigned tasks. Forty graphic organizers are found here.
With Common Core in all the non-elective classes, tools such as these will make the learning process more engaging for all:)
Post-It 3M(TM) Flip Chart, 25" x 30", White, 40 Sheets/Pad (Google Affiliate Ad)
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