The links below cover a high school economics class. Though not specifically called "common core", it does reflect the higher order thinking skills required by students to think independently. Application of content to life outside the classroom provides students with the skills the workforce admires. Also, team work, seen as a PLUS in business, is apparent all throughout the lesson. Here, every team is consulting with members within their groups to create that perfect product that will generate the most "money." Rules are laid out. Timers are on. Every student is actively engaged in the assignment as they try to beat the clock. Students later discuss their success or "near" success using academic language to make their point.
How would such a setup support ELLs? Rules are clearly laid out (and on a chart for easy reference). Teacher has students re-iterate their understanding of the rules. ELLs would also be able to ask persons in their groups for further directions if needed. The teacher also spent time laying out what would be done in the lesson and WHY. This type of scaffolding is a must for ELLs. The additional support here allows ELLs to access the point of the lesson so that they proceed along with confidence in their ability to complete the assigned task.
With the advent of common core, more states are putting up lessons on the internet to share their successes here. I will be combing the net looking for them to share with you in this blog:)
"Organization Center Wall Pocket Chart"
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