Though PBS may lose some funding due to potential budget cuts, it is still online and free for teacher access.
What I especially like about it is that they not only carry great lesson ideas for teachers (free to subscribe at (Public Broadcasting System), they also carry video on almost every topic under the sun in the areas of science. Tomorrow I am sharing the films on human genes with the biology teachers at my site. They may not want to watch the film in its entirety, but I feel that the material which they decide to share will have quite a bit more depth that short 3 minute clips from YouTube (though some of their material is good, it does not come near to the professional material here that is commercially produced. Further, if students are fortunate enough to have access to the internet at home, they can review the material with no time pressure.
Now, if you need more reasons to subscribe (for free), go to Public Broadcasting Systems for Teachers. You will find teaching resources for grades PreK-12th grade. Subjects covered are many: the arts, health and fitness, math, reading/language arts, science/technology, and social studies. You will lesson plans for every subject covered. Imagine how this would help your ELLs. In the past, they would have to struggle through the text and maybe be provided with some visuals by the teacher. This resource "opens eyes." You know that saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. With such visual support, the ELL can truly access the content and do well in your class.
There are some features that come with a fee, but I only cover the free materials since that is the mission of my website, ELL Teacher Pros.
I know your students will truly enjoy this site:)
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