In this century, teachers must have the digital skills to deliver
instruction which resonates with students. That means that the use of
technology must be present in one form or another in every class.
Students are already quite proficient in it so to not tap that expertise
should be unthinkable.
In this article, 33 must-have digital skills are addressed. A teacher would not have to address all of them within his/her classroom, but s/he might wish over time (say the summer break) explore the choices to see what would work within the subject area taught and grade level. Taking a less is more approach might be the best course of action if technology skills are limited. On the other hand, if highly proficient in world of technology, teachers can see what tools are new here and weave them into their courses.
For me, having students develop student blogs will be a priority. There is a fascination on the part of students at the thought of publishing their work for all the world to see. The inspiration to dazzle all those who read their posts will remove some of the drudgery normally associated with writing. Twitter will also come into my fall classes. Since I teach ELLs, this would be a tool to encourage full class participation. The limit of 140 characters should lower fears over writing:) Another tool I plan on use is online quizzes for students to self-evaluate their progress in the courses. I would let students retake the quizzes as many times as they like since the goal would be to prepare them for formal assessments.
Again, this article from Educational Technology contains about 50 sites. Take some time over the summer to poke around and try some of them out. Your students will appreciate your efforts I guarantee.
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