With Common Core, English language learners (ELLs) will be present in all mainstream content classes. This is a point of concern for many since, in the past, ELLs spent a good part of the school day in ESL or ELD classes trying to acquire language skills with below grade materials. When they eventually exited such support classes, they struggled to find enough credits for college since ELD/ESL classes can not be used for college. Common core has the potential to dramatically reverse this.
Eye on Education has prepared an short article with 5 very successful strategies to assist teachers in delivering instruction to ELLs in mainstream classrooms. The suggestions are easy to implement since they encourage use of every resource (including other students) in supporting ELLs. Gone are the days when teachers were not allowed to bring in the home language of such students to make content accessible. Now, teachers are openly employing every means at their disposable to build language creatively while also delivering content at a pace or format which the ELLs can comprehend.
So this article lays out 5 practical strategies that any mainstream teacher can integrate into classroom instructional routines with ease: use caretaker speech and realia/visuals, show meaning with gestures, avoid forcing speech, and find high interest books to read with students.
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