One of the many goals of common core based lessons is to support, guide, scaffold students in developing the necessary reading and writing skills that will be demanded of them to succeed in college and/or the business world. This process will start out in Kindergarten and continue through the 12th grade. As students move up in grade levels, assigned tasks will cover more challenging tasks which will in turn pose more in-depth academic reading challenges. Teachers will therefore need a wide variety of approaches to ensure that every student has multiple opportunities to reach that level of proficiency in those skills, and such mastery translates into quality life choices:)
STRATEGIES TO TEACH STUDENTS HOW TO ANALYZE INFORMATIONAL TEXT--offers a list of reading strategies that are very effective in building reading analysis skills. Only the first two items are hyperlinks. The others offer short 1 or 2 sentence descriptions. For more information on any one of them, just copy and paste the term in Google's search bar.
TEACHING INFORMATIONAL TEXT TO ELLS Colorin Colorado offers a wide variety of approaches to teach ELLs how to survive common core based reading of informational texts lessons. Many of their suggestions also work with English speaking students as well.
Using PREZI, a detailed overview of how to teach a lesson on bullying is presented. Again, students work with informational text to address the topic. This layout offers a good general overview of how a common core tech based lesson might appear in a classroom.
Please feel free to share your successes with common core. I will share teacher contributions with all via this blog:)
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