Common Core will usher in new approaches to learning at all grade levels. A question that probably every English and language arts teacher has is will there be a need to create all new lessons to meet the new academic demands. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, they will have a variety of new options which will energize every teacher from 1st year teacher to 40 year veteran. One exciting feature will be the shift from fiction to more non-fiction/informational text. With this change, students will be more likely to enter college without the need to take remedial English as freshmen. They will be in a far stronger position to meet the demands of the 21st century global workforce.
So, will teachers need to develop all new lesson plans? No. In fact, teachers will have far more options as to what they wish to teach at their grade level. For example, at the high school level, one play from Shakespeare must be taught at each grade level. As for other materials, teachers will have a wide range of options allowing them to spend more time on works they enjoy than in earlier years. With this option, teacher will integrate both fiction and non-fiction in their lessons. Here is a link to recommended fiction and informational texts for grades 9 and 10--LIST OF COMMON CORE TEXTS. Teachers might like to use this as a starting point to see what items they have taught before and then narrow down the list to those favorites. With more time now to go deeper into text analysis through many creative and highly engaging activities which culminate in developing more academic independence in students' abilities to approach written works from all disciplines with self-confidence to fully comprehend messages.
ELA COMMON CORE LESSON PLANS Here is a starting point. There are several exemplars here to start with in reaching decisions on what materials to keep and what ones not to keep. Once that decision is reached, the next step is to look for avenues to excite students about learning, support/guide them through the process, and then finally allow them time to take that knowledge and apply it independently to show full comprehension.
Yes, it is a great time to be a teacher!
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