Classroom instruction will need to be much more interactive than in the past if students are to truly benefit from common core based lessons. For this new approach to teaching to be successful, teachers must have access to a wide variety of instructional strategies on a moment's notice so that every student can be actively involved in every lesson.
Here is a site that has a fairly extensive list of them. Click on the label for each section and a detailed description of the activity appears. Notice that many of these ideas are not new. The difference is that they will be used on a more regular basis with common core based lessons along with random call-ons so that every student is held accountable for learning the material. Teachers will no longer just call on the students with their hands up. Since they already know the answers to the teacher's question, they do not offer the teacher true feedback on how well the entire class has understood the lesson. Random call-ons on students is far more accurate. If the majority (80-90%) have correct responses, the teacher can continue along in the lesson. INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES TO HELP ELLS AND OTHERS ACCESS CONTENT AND LANGUAGE
Please note that this list only contains some practices. Teachers should try the ones that they feel most comfortable with initially. With time, teachers can add on a few more activities a little at a time. Asking colleagues for ideas is also effective. New teachers and veterans normally have many great things going on in their classes, and, as teachers, they enjoy sharing instructional strategies with colleagues.
The bottom line is to fully engage ALL students in the learning. This is the only way to begin to reverse the high failure rate of ELLs.
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