Sunday, September 11, 2011

Two Powerful Interactive Tools to View World History!

Every culture teaches world history and at all grade levels. Though textbooks are still not the most student friendly, interactive websites can help students make those connections. These sites show overlap and that assists students in seeing the BIG picture.

For ELLs, ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS provides both visuals and key information (in simple format) of where humanity's key civilizations developed. Students will quickly see that every continent has a civilized hub to brag about. In this site, students will see sample artifacts, geographical locations, and much more. There is also a built in glossary so when a student encounters a word s/he doesn't know, that student just needs to click on the word to get a definition. Further, teachers can print out the material on the site for those students who need more time to understand the materials.

A second site I would recommend presents key points/persons/events in time and presents them in time chart layouts. You may order them online or use them as an internet resource in your lectures. They are easy to follow and for ELLs, concise in layout. This type of overview for ELLs will help them better follow your lessons and reading assignments. Try HYPER HISTORY in your classes and see how it opens the doors of understanding for your students!

ELL Teacher Pros

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