As summer approaches, teachers generally try to give students some projects to do for fun. For ELLs such activities help them maintain their English over the break. With this in mind, I will be posting several posts on this over the next few days to address all grade levels: elementary, middle, and high school.
This entry is for elementary. On this site (TALKING PETS), ELLs can practice listening and writing. They select a pet, provide accessories for it (believe it or not), pick a setting that appeals to them (I chose outer space), and then find a "voice" for the pet. Students may select speeches already listed OR create their own ( students type something that they want the pet to say-encourage them to write in complete sentences). Once the writing is done, click and listen to the animal "talk." By the way, there is a filter to catch inappropriate language.
Keeping up with English is great, but there are other subjects which need attention as well. Here is one for math (elementary) and is loaded with math games! One way to motivate both ELLs and English only to review key concepts is through games. ONLINE MATH GAMES is a site which will keep your ELLs busy for hours reviewing all those skills you spent a year teaching them. Parents will enjoy the site as well since it is not complicated. This will allow them many opportunities to step in and assist without a problem.
Lets not forget SCIENCE This site has all the sciences so if students start to express an interest in topics not yet covered in school (or want to review what they learned), they might like this site. You will find everything here including free science videos. Going back to their journals, they could write about a new interest! Though geared to elementary, high school ELLs might like using it to build background content knowledge.
I will look at middle school tomorrow and Wednesday.
ELL Teacher Pros
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